Bilingual lexicon Arabic English - letter M

First read the "How To" of the DILAP dictionary. Instructions and councils.

Translation and transcription from Man to Musical.


English Sound Transcription Arabic
308 Man radjul (pl) ridjâl رَجُل ج رِجال
309 Manage (to) tawassala - yatawassalu تَوَصَّلَ - يَتَوَصَّلُ
310 Many muta'addid مُتَعَدِّد
311 Market sûq (pl) aswâq سوق ج أَسْواق
312 March
Roman calendar and
current arab transcription :
Moslem luar calendar
zafâf زَفاف
314 May
Roman calendar and
current arab transcription :
Moslem luar calendar
mâyû - mây

djumâdâ al uwlâ
مايو - ماي

جُمادى الأَوْلى
315 Me, I anâ أَنا
316 Meal wadjba وَجْبَة
317 Meet (to) iltaqâ - yaltaqî اِلْتَقى - يَلْتَقي
318 Member fard (pl) afrâd فَرْد ج أَفْراد
319 Merchant,
bâ°i' (pl) bâ'a بائِع ج باعَة
320 Midday adhdhuhr الظُهْر
321 Ministry wizâra (pl) wizârât وِزارَة ج وِزارات
322 Mint na'nâ' نَعْناع
323 Minute daqîqa (pl) daqâ°iq دَقيقَة ج دَقائِق
324 Mirror mir°ât مِرْآة
325 Modern 'asrî عَصْري
326 Moment waqt (pl) awqât وَقْت ج أَوْقات
327 Month shahr (pl) shuhûr شَهْر ج شُهور
328 More akthar أَكْثَر
329 Morning bâkir باكِر
330 Mosque dhâmi' (or) masdjid جامِع – مَسْجِد
331 Mother umm (pl) umahât أُمّ ج أُمَهات
332 Move (to) intaqala - yantaqilu اِنْتَقَلَ - يَنْتَقِلُ
333 Much kathîran كَثيراً
334 Music mûsîqâ موسيقى
335 Musical mûsîqî موسيقي